Physiotherapy Services
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Methodical and thorough assessments to ensure an appropriate diagnosis and treatment for all musculoskeletal conditions.
Sports Performance Optimisation
Movement analysis and biomechanics breakdown of body systems in order to ensure efficiency of movement.
Post-Operative Physiotherapy
Structured rehabilitation programs to get you back into your activities of daily living following surgery.
Return to Sport Programming
Graded and revised exercise programs to support you on your recovery from injury and transition back into sporting activities.
Pre and Post-Natal
Lifestyle modifications and appropriate exercises to help you get through your pregnancy and safely transition back into high impact activities following child-birth.
Plastering &
Application of casts or splints following a fracture or sprained ligament where indicated based off radiograph imaging and physical assessments
Injury Prevention (‘Prehabilitation’)
Why wait until it’s too late? We specialise in helping you prevent the occurrence of injury through appropriate strength and conditioning programs.
Comprehensive assessment, treatment and return to work plan in co-ordination with you and all other involved medical and allied health parties
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
— African Proverb
Common Treatable Conditions
Elbow & Arm Pain
We treat common areas of upper limb pain including tennis & golfer’s elbow, fractured wrists, carpal tunnel syndrome, deQuervain’s syndrome, referred pain from cervical radiculopathy.
Ankle & Foot Pain
Most common in runner’s, ankle & foot pain can be vague and include pathologies such as Achille’s tendinopathy, calf strains/tears, ankle sprains, ankle and syndesmostic fractures, foot stress fractures and overuse injuries secondary to poor biomechanics in movement.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is very common and can range from a wry (stiff) neck, all the way to a cervical radiculopathy. Physiotherapy treatment can help identify the source of symptoms and provide relief.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is another vague category of diagnoses that can include disc issues, tight muscles and/or joints, sciatica, stress fractures and other sources of pain. This requires proper assessment to provide the right diagnosis in order to develop a rehabilitation program to help you move.
Shoulder Pain
Common reasons for shoulder pain can include rotator cuff tendinopathy, irritation of the bursa and surrounding joint capsule, biceps tendon pathology and/or poor scapulohumeral movement.
Knee Pain
The knee joint absorbs a large amount of force in day to day activities. Some common conditions include patellar and quadriceps tendinopathy, patellofemoral pain syndrome, fat pad irritations, acute knee injuries including ACL ruptures and/or meniscal injuries.